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Corn Chips, Salsa and Pain

Food Intolerance

It’s been over 90 days that I have been strictly following the Autoimmune Protocol.  I have had a nearly complete reversal of all my symptoms and have been pain free and feeling wonderful.  It’s amazing. But, it’s time that I start adding some foods back into my diet. 

On Saturday my husband suggested we go to La Casata, out favorite Mexican restaurant. I agreed and decided it was time for me to experiment with tomatoes.  When the chips arrived I couldn’t resist.  They tasted sooooo good, especially with a scoop of their fresh salsa. Before long I had finished the small bowl of salsa and made a dent on the basket of chips. I hadn't had corn or tomatoes in three months! I enjoyed it thoroughly.  

For the rest of the evening I paid attention to how I was feeling to see if I was going to have a reaction, and thankfully I didn't feel any different and I was happy.   Then, about midnight I woke with pain in my stomach, a burning sensation. I tossed and turned and finally went to sleep again.  Early in the morning I was awakened again, this time because of the pain in legs. It was a dull ache. Suddenly I was remembering the pain I used to feel all the time. I could hardly believe it.  Was is possible that eating chips and salsa could cause such pain, and so quickly? It was a real reality check.  It was proof.  It was a confirmation that food really does effect my body.  Obviously, I am very sensitive to corn and/or tomatoes.  Both very average foods that I would never even considered  a problem in my past.  That’s why the elimination diet helps. 

The pain I woke up to on Sunday morning was a huge suprize.  It was hard for me to believe that food could really cause that kind of pain in my body so quickly, but I have to accept it.  Pain is inflammation and inflammation is what I am trying to heal.  Eating foods that increase it is counter productive, obviously.  Now it is totally up to me whether I choose to continue eating  these foods or eliminate them again.  You know the answer.  Why would I choose pain??  I am so grateful for this experience, and the severe reaction.  It is a lesson I couldn’t have learned another way.  My body spoke to me and I listened. Now, that’s big!

This experience has made me more determined and focused.  I can clearly see that food is the key to healing my autoimmune disease and improving my quality of life.  Over the months ahead I hope to more fully understand what foods I can eat and what foods cause me pain.  It’s a learning process.  I want living a healthy, vibrant, pain free life to be my normal state! 

Big love,

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