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The Game of Life

I’ve been playing the Game of Life with my granddaughters.  There is an electronic version that we downloaded on my iPad.  The graphics are pretty cool.  All you have to do is touch the spinner and it spins like crazy and your car automatically moves around the board stopping for college, marriage and having babies.  Not like the old board game of my childhood. 

However, what isn’t cool is how to win the game, which is the same as it’s always been - who ever has the most money at the end of the game wins.  Playing the electronic/digital version makes that more apparent than ever. Plus they seem to have added a few things --like bringing a lawsuit against another player, suing for $100,000.  Nice way to train kids how to deal with conflict in adult life! 

When playing with the girls we have had conversations about occupations.  Both of them wanting the coveted “doctor” card so they can be assured to make the most money.  The lowest paid occupations, of course, “hair stylist”, “teacher” and ‘police officer”, always make them groan. Yesterday while playing Zoe became a doctor, then lost her job (got fired) and became a hair stylist.  She was very unhappy.  But, ultimately she won, because the first half of the game she made enough money as a doctor to beat us.

It started me thinking.  There needs to be an upgrade to the Game of Life.  I think I may develop it!  We need a new paradigm about what success in life is all about.  My game is going to be about following your passion and honoring family choices.  There won’t be an end or a winner, it will be about exploration and discovery.  Rewards will be given for kind acts and creative ideas.  Sure, all the details need to be figured out.  But the bottom line will be about happiness and not wealth.  

When I think of what I would like to teach my granddaughters about life, here’s what it would be.  I would want them to feel confident and self assured enough to choose the path that brings them the most satisfaction.  I would want them to be true to their hearts and follow their passion, what ever that may be, regardless of the annual salary.  I would hope that they would value connection with people above material success, and learn to live with balance in their lives.  I know it’s impossible for them to not experience some hardship or conflict, for that is part of life.  But, I would like to see them face that without lawsuits and instead practice understanding, compassion and forgiveness.  Those assets are much more valuable than money, any day.

Yes, the Game of Life needs an upgrade.  I think I might call mine Life - The Adventure!

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