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Whole30 AIP Challenge June 2104

The Whole30 AIP Challenge starting June 1 has been created and announced.  There is a new Facebook Group and a blog.  Within 24 hours of the announcement over 100 people have joined!  Now, 48 hours later the total is 162 and climbing!  To say I am shocked would be an understatement!  I was hoping for 10 people.  The response has been eye opening!  There are a lot of people out there who want to feel better, reduce pain, stress and extra weight. 

Since starting my AIP journey over four months ago I can honestly say that changing what I put in my mouth has been the best medicine I have ever tried.  After decades of suffering from a disease I was ignoring, but symptoms I couldn’t ignore I had come to believe that it was just how it was going to be.  I was getting older and all the pain I was in was just part of that.  Well, let me tell you that is not true!  My body was full of inflammation and that inflammation was causing all sorts of issues, including aches, pains and dis-ease in my body!  The list of problems associates with inflammation goes on and on.  Here’s a few:

acid reflux/heartburn, acne, allergies, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, bipolar disorder, bronchitis, cancer, chronic pain, circulation issues, colitis, dementia, depression, diabetes, eczema, fibroids, fibromyalgia, gout, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, infertility, joint pain, migraines, MS, obesity, PCOS, periodontal disease, rheumatoid arthritis, sinusitis, tendonitis 

Do you have any of those listed?  
After changing my eating and following the autoimmune protocol food plan I feel like I am 30 again.  I have energy and stamina.  I wake up refreshed, no aches or pains.  My mind is clear, my thinking sharper and even my memory has improved. Not to mention I have lost 45 pounds and can move so much easier.  Issues with depression, self esteem and confidence have changed dramatically and life just seems easier in general.  Imagine all that from changing the way I eat!  

It is time we recognize that there is something wrong with the Standard American Diet (SAD).  Inflammation is epidemic and it all starts with the food.  Actually, that is the name of the book where the Whole30 plan comes from — It Starts with Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways.  Food can be poison and food can be medicine, it’s just learning what to eat that creates health and eating more of it.  That’s what I have been learning for myself these last four months.  Doctors and even  some nutritionists are trained in an outdated and tainted system that is controlled mostly by pharmaceutical and food industry mega corporations that are totally profit driven. It’s time we stop listening to them!

We have to take control of our own health, start listening to our bodies and begin dealing with this epidemic of inflammation!  That is why over 150 people responded in no time at all.  They want to heal and know that it begins with the food!  As overwhelmed as I feel right now with the huge response, I am excited about the 30 day adventure that is about to begin and all the people who are going to start feeling better!  I am especially excited to be taking this adventure with my daughter and son-in-law, who have signed on and are ready to dive in!  Let the adventure begin!

If you want to find out more, check out the Facebook Group or the blog.  We’d love to have you join us!

Big Love,

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