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Chocolate Cravings & Self Consciousness

It’s been over four months that I’ve been on the Amino Acid Protocol.  I’m not sure what I expected from it, but I am seeing some changes that are profound. First and foremost I am feeling calmer, more confident and less stressed out.  I’ve also noticed that I have lost most of my cravings for food and have changed some old negative patterned behaviors around eating.  Now, I am not sure if that’s due to the way I am eating (AIP) or the Amino Acids, or a combination of the two.  But what ever it is, it’s real and significant.

Yesterday, I had an a couple of experiences that proved it to me.  My husband and I were staying a couple of days at Desert Hot Springs resort near Palm Springs.  The place has eight mineral pools in the center of the complex, plus a spa and restaurant/lounge. We’ve been here before, so when I had the experience I’m going to write about, I have those other visits to compare and contrast to.  Obviously this resort is pool and lounging centered.  Everyone is wearing swimsuits and the people come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.  Every time I’ve come in the past I have been super self-conscious of my weight and how I look in a swimsuit.  It hasn’t stopped me, but it is something that is ever present, in the forefront of my thoughts. I take steps to cover-up and conceal as best I can. But yesterday, things were different.  I had been in the pool swimming and laying in a chaise lounge for a couple of hours and it occurred to me that I hadn’t thought once about how I looked or worried about what other people were thinking of me.  I was taken back, and sat there for a few moments letting it sink it.  So, this is what it felt like to just experience something without self criticism and judgement.  It was amazing.  I decided to test it out, and got up and walked back to our room without covering myself in a towel or wrap.  No reaction.  People looked at me, but not in that “oh look at that fat women way”, but just noticing me as I walked by.  It was a revelation.  The only thing that had changed from the last visit was me.  And, I think it is because of balancing my brain chemistry with amino acids. 

The second thing I noticed was about chocolate.  I’ve had a love/hate relationship with chocolate most of my life.  It is what I used to consider a chocolate addiction.  One bite and I couldn't stay away from the stuff.  Because of that I’ve totally given it up, although on the autoimmune paleo program I'm following some people eat chocolate and do fine.  I’ve stayed clear and even considered that fact that I have an allergy to it.  So, yesterday before heading to the Hot Springs we stopped a natural food market to buy some snacks to take with
us.  At the front of the store they had a cute little bakery.  I looked around and saw some gluten-free, 85% cacao, five ingredient, chocolate chip cookies, and they looked delicious.  I still don’t know why, but I bought some.  It’s not something I would have even considered the day before.  But I guess I was in vacation mode and decided to go for it!  I bought 6 small cookies.  I had a couple in the afternoon and they tasted really good.  I ate the other four after dinner and thoroughly enjoyed each bite.  This morning I woke up and feel normal.  No cravings or mad desire for more chocolate, or even an odd inkling.  That is unusual. In the past having six cookies would have set me off on a sugar/chocolate craving binge.  No kidding! I’m super sensitive to it.  Again, I began to consider what was different.  No gluten, low sugar and the high chocolate content may have made the difference, but having my brain chemistry balanced could be at the root of it all. 

The goal of balancing brain chemistry is to eliminate compulsive behavior, cravings for sugar and other stimulants as well as healing and restoring the neurotransmitter uptake receptors in order to increase serotonin and dopamine function. When my naturopath doc first talked to me about this I was a bit skeptical.  But, I decided to give it a try for a few months and see. Am I ever glad I did.  What happened over the past two days is sound evidence as far as I’m concerned. Some times you don’t know how desperately a thing needs to be fixed until after it is! 

Big love,

P.S.  This past week I’ve been doing some more research into the use of amino acids and found a book called “The Diet Cure” by Julia Ross that addresses the issue in a clear way.  I just purchased the book in Palm Springs and will write a book report blog post once I’ve read it.  Look for that in the next couple of weeks.

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