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Pendulum Wisdom: Learn How To Use a Pendulum

What do you do when you have a decision to make?  Or when you are trying to understand a limiting behavior pattern? I use my pendulum.  Yep, that's right.  I take out my trusty pendulum (I carry one with me everywhere I go) and I use it to help me.  It works every time.

About five years ago I was introduced to pendulums while taking a course on PSYCH-K and muscle testing.  The first time I held the pendulum it was like magic and I knew there was something to it.  Since then I have studied, practiced, created pendulums and become quite proficient with them.  Over the years I have developed my own methods and rituals and found a variety of ways to help me get to the bottom of issues and make decisions about a vast array of topics.  It's a very cool and interesting way to connect with my inner knowing and higher consciousness.  There is a wisdom there that can be reached that I don't fully understand, but trust completely.

So, guess what?  I decided to write an ebook describing the methods I use. It's true. Since starting my AIP journey my mind has cleared and my creativity has blossomed - ideas are flowing.  I am writing this ebook to share with others the ways I learned to get the most from my pendulum in a less scientific way than I have seen in other books.  It'll be more of a guide.  Plus, writing this ebook for Amazon, Nook and iBooks is going to give me some experience with all three formats and it will teach me about the process.  So it's a win-win situation.

Yesterday I launched the Pendulum Wisdom website and I'm giving away a free PDF download "6 Secrets of Using a Pendulum."  My goal is to have the ebook in Amazon by May 1.  It's an exciting and fun process and I love writing about the pendulum.  There is a lot of information to share and I want to make it simple, user friendly and easy to read.

It's interesting how my creativity has shifted since becoming Zia.  Since I left the Ghost Ranch in September I haven't picked up a paint brush, bead, or anything artsy.  My focus has shifted and I am feeling passionate in a way that I haven't in a long, long time. I want to write, design, and have started developing a laptop lifestyle. (That equals freedom!) Very exciting!

Be on the lookout for more information coming your way about the new ebook.  PENDULUM WISDOM: Your Guide to Inner Knowing

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