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Where Attention Goes Energy Follows

Isn’t it funny how when you start paying attention to something it grows.  Like when you get a new car and then you see that very same car everywhere you go. That’s what’s happening to me and the autoimmune issue.

This week I found a Facebook Group for Hashimoto’s Disease that has hundreds of followers.  I have found several blogs totally dedicated to Autoimmune Diseases and recovery.  One has over 90,000 followers! The information is everywhere.  I just wasn’t paying attention. 

Autoimmune disease effects more than 50 million Americans.

The numbers are shocking.  So many people are suffering from the effects of the various diseases caused as a result of compromised autoimmune systems. I had no idea I had so much company.

While searching the web for information I ran across the blog of Sarah Ballantyne, PhD - The Paleo Mom.  She has just finished writing a book for people suffering from this issue called “The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body.”  It was released on January 28th.  Pre-sales of this book were so high that it went into it’s second printing before the first books were even released, and it sits at #91 on Amazon. That’s pretty impressive. I also thought it was serendipitous that it was coming out just when I was looking for help.  There are no accidents!  Of course, I ordered it and have been waiting patiently for it to arrive. Today it did.  It is fantastic! Over 400 pages of information filled with charts, images and diagrams thoroughly explaining every aspect of the problem, the approach for healing and how to create a lifestyle that supports a healthy life.  So far I have just flipped through the pages, but I am looking forward to digging in!

My attention has shifted since my throat surgery, and I have been looking at healing in a whole new way. Now that I have faced the truth of my autoimmune disease I am ready to move forward in a way I never have before. A more Zia way! One step at a time I want to learn how it effects my body and what I can do to reverse it. It’s time. I am putting my attention on healing. Let the energy flow!

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