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Self Publisher vs Author/Publisher

In this month’s Writer’s Digest in an article on self-publishing the author suggested we call ourselves “author/publishers”, instead of self-publishers.  Though the terms are only slightly different, the feeling seems far different.  I like it.  From now on I am calling myself a author/publisher. 

Of course, it seems like I am a long way from being published.  And realistically I am not really an author until I get published, so I guess I’m still just a writer.  But when it happens and I get through this entire process of editing and re-editing, figuring out how to do the epub formatting, book cover design, and everything else that goes along with self publishing, then I will call myself author/publisher.  A girl can dream!

This week I had my book printed out so I could read it and begin the first edits.  The idea of putting pencil to paper to edit appeals to me, makes it more real.  When I picked up the print out I was shocked at the stack of paper.  Nearly 200 pages, a big thick pile.  Wow, did that feel good—to see all those words I had written on paper.  I had a sense of pride and accomplishment. 

The good news.  This puts me one step closer to being a author/publisher.  With each step I take I get closer and closer to clicking on Amazon and seeing Becoming Zia for sale. That is going to be an exciting day.

Meanwhile, I have to keep moving forward.  Doing what comes next, learning about the process, building a platform (two months ago I had no idea what a platform was!), searching Elance for editors and book cover designers, investigating BookBaby and Smashwords, developing a Kickstarter campaign, etc, etc. There’s a lot more to being a author/publisher than just writing a book.  I am earning that title one task at a time, and I’m on my way!!

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