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Inflamed and Fed Up!

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Enough already! Last week I had blood work done to make sure my numbers were in good range since my surgery.  Bad new.  My thyroid is out of whack again. For nearly thirty years I have been dealing with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Foolishly I was hoping that removing the tumor from my parathyroid would straighten it all up and I would be well.  No such luck.

After surgery, the doctor told me that he ran into difficulties because my thyroid was so inflamed. How could it be so inflamed. I’d been treating my Hashimoto’s with medication for all these years, but it wasn’t fixing the problem.  Not at all. I asked him what happens to the inflammation when he sewed me back up. He didn’t have a response.

I had to get my mind around the real situation.  Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease that creates antibodies that attack thyroid tissue.  The problem isn’t my thyroid, the problem is the autoimmune issue.  I have been treating the symptom for decades, not the cause. It was a real wake-up call.  It might seem like common sense, but it has taken me this long to finally get it.  Hearing from the surgeon that my thyroid was severely inflamed, and knowing that when he sewed me up the inflammation was still in there, I had to face the facts.  Just taking meds to balance my thyroid numbers was not going to fix what was really wrong. I had to deal with what was causing the inflammation! The autoimmune disease. 

I have lots to learn, a whole new direction  But I know I am sick of feeling tried, struggling with being fat and never really addressing the real issue.  I am ready to try something new and it’s time I start working on healing the cause - I’ve spent way too long trying to fix the symptoms!

It makes me think that Becoming Zia is about way more than I ever expected. This may be the beginning of physical rebirth as well as the spiritual!  Healing my throat may just bring about a new connection to the wholeness of my entire being. 

(Thanks FibroColors for the cool graphic!)

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