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2014 Theme - Lightness of Being

Lightness in body and thought. It’s a way of being connected to spirit and living that lightness in every part of life. 

This year I decided to create a theme for the year instead of making resolutions. Having a theme is more like an intention. It’s bigger and less defined and it sets a tone.  For me it’s more about a feeling. I thought about what I wanted to accomplish in 2014, then I thought about how I wanted to feel.  It’s the feeling we’re looking for really, not the things.  So, I figured if I started with the feeling and really understood how I wanted to feel first, it would be much easier to create the life I wanted.  

Lightness was the word that came to my mind.  Lightness is so many way.  A lighter body, releasing excess pounds.  A lighter spirit, not weighed down with worry and judgement. Taking life easier, not so seriously - lightening up!  Approaching each day with more spirit of adventure, seeing the beauty, being curious and light hearted. It is about ease and tranquility. Living in the gratitude of each precious moment fully present.  Lightness of being in the world. Going with the flow.

Lightness of Being. Yes, it creates a feeling that I like.  Just saying the words lightness of being makes me feel better, more relaxed, less stressed.  More intentional. It’s a good theme for me. It sets the tone, the backdrop for what I want to manifest in 2014.  The more I can connect with my lightness of being the more I am in tune with joy and peace.

Sure, I have a list of things I want to accomplish this year.  That’s just the kind of person I am.  But, my theme reminds me of the bigger why, makes it so much more meaningful.  When I am working on the Kickstarter Campaign for my new book and I am bogged down in the technical stuff, I can remember lightness of being and it’ll bring me back to the big picture. The simplicity of being free and present in the moment and still allowing myself to do the work of my purpose.  That's it!

Think about what your theme might be and post it below.  I would love to hear what you come up with!

Big love and blessing,  Zia

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